Skill level: Advanced. To sign up, you must have completed the Joinery/IM class at the Ebanista School or by permission of the Director.
Instructor: Jonathan Cohen, Jonathan has a degree in Graphic design from Cornell University, forty years experience as a professional furniture maker/designer, and has taught furniture design at the University of Washington for over twenty years.
Class Length: 10 weeks
Class Schedule: Twice weekly, Saturdays 1:00-5:00pm 2/2/2019 -4/6/2019
Tuition: $1650
This studio is intended for the woodworker who wants to up their game to another level. They already have a pretty complete knowledge of machines and hand tools, have their own basic tools including planes, chisels, marking tools, etc. The student should arrive with a project already in mind and on paper, prepared to get started from the beginning, and able to work mostly on their own. The instructor will always be available for assistance and advice on technique. The suggested project is a desk which embodies a strong knowledge of both furnituremaking skills, ( legs, mortise and tenon joinery, perhaps some veneer work), and some cabinetmaking skills, (hand dovetailed drawers ). Any other project of the student’s desire is on the table (so to speak) as well, as long as it fits the scope of the studio.
By the end of the ten-week program the student should:
- Have substantially increased their ability to design, carry out and finish a high quality piece of furniture.
- Have gained experience in planning and budgeting their time on a project and sticking to a deadline
Materials: Sketch pads and/or laptops are welcome. Shop materials included.